
Calgary Homeless Foundation: National Housing Strategy Brief

The Calgary Homeless Foundation (CHF) supports a National Housing Strategy and is grateful for the opportunity to provide input. We believe a Strategy that addresses the needs of all Canadians for safe, suitable, secure and affordable housing is an imperative. We also strongly believe that for the Strategy to be an effective tool to further the vision of ending homelessness, it needs to provide specific measures to address the specialized needs for housing with supports for vulnerable and homeless citizens, including Indigenous Peoples. The development of a National Housing Strategy will have a positive and lasting impact on our collective vision of ending homelessness in Calgary. As a community, Calgary’s Plan to End Homelessness: People First in Housing First, identifies the need to address the current gap for 15,600 Calgarian households in extreme core housing need. Furthermore, a recent report found that Calgary is the least affordable city for low income people in Canada. We are pleased the government is taking action and encourage the inclusion of measures that impact ending homelessness as key tenets of Canada’s National Housing Strategy