Do Welfare Reforms Make Abused Women Safer?

In 1995, the government cut welfare benefits for Ontarians by 21.6%. One effect of the cut is that many women remain in abusive relationships out of financial necessity. A new definition of ‘spouse’ introduced at about the same time (and changed a bit later) has also been a problem for women who live on their own and try to qualify for benefits. While “workfare ” is supposed to help welfare recipients move from welfare to work, many women find workfare programs not to be helpful at all. Sometimes participating in workfare programs can lead to more violence, as abusive men fear they will lose control if their partners upgrade their skills or get employment. In addition, women are often humiliated by workers in the welfare system. This, too, is a kind of abusive relationship. In short, recent changes to welfare have done harm to the safety and equality of abused women.

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Ontario, Canada