Financial Inclusion Inventory Waterloo Region June 2012

This inventory provides a single point of information on financial inclusion programs in Waterloo Region. It is intended to serve as a tool for support providers as they assist people with low income who experience financial instability and exclusion to access available programs and services. This first edition of the inventory focuses on six categories of formal programs: banks, credit unions, financial literacy/education programs, identification supports, income tax supports and trusteeships. The inventory identifies three different situations in which people may find themselves (Lowest Income, Low Wage, and Life Change) and recognizes that each requires a different approach to service related to financial inclusion.
The inventory contains the three following components:

1. Introduction – Section 1 identifies the purpose and scope – provides an overview of the document - clarifies terms and definitions - and provides some overall context and background on the subject area federally, provincially and locally.
2. Snapshot of financial inclusion programs and services – Section 2 provides a summary of all the programs included in the inventory, maps them, and provides a listing of known local reports on topics related to financial inclusion.
3. Program Profiles – Sections 3-8 categorize and describe local programs and services, providing information on eligibility, locations, and languages in which service can be offered. savings, financial planning, credit cards, and debt management and consolidation. Those in this group would benefit from workshops, online and print resources and information.

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Waterloo, ON, Canada