At Home in Durham Durham Region Housing Plan 2014-2014

At Home in Durham, the Durham Housing Plan 2014-2024, is an extension of the Region’s commitment to affordable housing set out in Growing Together, the Durham Region Strategic Plan 2009-2014 and the Regional Official Plan. It is an integrated housing plan that lays out the Region’s vision for housing during the next 10 years, and aligns this vision with the requirement for a housing and homelessness plan under the Housing Services Act and the housing strategy required under the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe.

At Home in Durham will address the challenges and opportunities in providing suitable and affordable housing options that meet the needs of all of Durham’s current and future residents.

At Home in Durham sets out the Region’s direction for housing, including an assessment of current and future housing needs; goals related to the identified needs; and realistic actions to meet the diverse range of these needs. It provides a description of anticipated outcomes and how progress is to be measured as Durham works to implement its plan. 

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