Homeless Older People Living Conditions and Their Coping Strategies: The Case of Kobo Town, North Wollo Zone, Amhara Regional State

The problem of homelessness is more desasterious when it happened on older people because they are susceptible to social, economic, health and psychological problems. Previous literature in Ethiopia on older people were not give emphasis on older people homelessness. And homelessness on older people was hardly conducted in Ethiopia as compared to the western countries. Therefore, the overall aim of the study was describing the living conditions of homeless older people and their coping strategies. This qualitative descriptive case study addressed the main reasons behind homelessness of older people, challenges, and coping strategies. For this effort, single case study and cross-sectional research with purposive sampling methods were employed. Fourteen participants; ten homeless older people and four key informants have participated. Additionally, thematic analysis was used to analyze the data that has been collected in the field through in-depth interview, Key informant interview, observation, and document review data collection methods. The findings of the study indicate that the intersection of multiple reasons such as unavailability of low-cost house rent, health problem, poverty, lack of social support, lack of legal protection, ageing, divorce, and death of close relatives have contributed to the homelessness of older people. As a result, homeless older people have been facing multiple challenges such as mobility problem, health problem, economic problems, and lack of employment, social exclusion and psychological problems. To cope up with these challenges, homeless older people employed different strategies such as begging, holy water, creating the social network among the homeless, drying leftover food for future use, using river water for hygiene and sanitation, and living around the churches. The findings call attention to the need of practical access to services responses to curb the problems of homeless older people.

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