The Meaning of Home

Habitat for Humanity Canada and Genworth Financial Canada are asking students in grade 4, 5 and 6 across Canada to tell us what "home" means to them by entering the Meaning of Home Contest.

Karson- Guelph, Ontario
She opens her eyes slowly hoping, yet again, that maybe when they are fully open she’ll be in a warm house, with a cozy bed and a fridge full of food. Instead she has only two brick walls covered in graffiti– she knows as art, a ratty old sleeping bag and a back pack for a pillow. She takes a deep breath and hopes for a good day. She wants five more minutes but doesn’t have time. Time is all it takes to be alone.

Kevin- St. John's, Newfoundland
When asked to write about what home means to me, the first thought that comes to my mind is a loving and caring environment.
Ever since the time I can remember growing up, I have always been blessed and grateful to have been a part of such a wonderful and loving family. I couldn't have asked for anything better.

Tyler, Grade 5 - Edmonton, Alberta
On May 1, 2010, I was downtown in our city's centre, enjoying a free hamburger and pop and taking part in the festivities leading up to a speech from the mayor. As I was sitting with my family, something out of the corner of my eye caught my attention. An old man shuffled past the people, looking complettely out of place. I could see that his hair was dirty and matted, as it poked out from under his tattered hat. His clothing was worn and ragged and I noticed through the holes in his shoes, that he had no socks on.

Lucy- Oakville, Ontario
I know that I am a lucky person because I have a house with two parents that love each other and me and my four siblings. As a family, we all try to have our suppers together. Supper is not just a time to eat food, it is a time to share the joys and sufferings of the family.

Margaret- Vancouver, British Columbia
As the wind whistles
As the rain pours
As feet pound down the street
As the cars fly by–
A young girl rushes home.

Samuel- Longueuil, Québec
A home can be a house, Where you can chase a mouse, Or it can be a town, Where you have worn a wedding gown.
A home is a safe place, One where you can relax, Or when you’re up to it, You can take it to the max.

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