Nine out of Ten Families at Risk of Homelessness in Toronto’s Aging Rental Highrise Buildings

Shelter use is increasing among families in large Canadian cities. But this statistic is just the tip of the iceberg. Beneath this trend is a wider problem: inadequate housing that places families at risk of homelessness. Homelessness among women and families is much more likely to be hidden than visible, and by its very nature, hidden homelessness is difficult to study. 

Studies suggest strong links between inadequate and unaffordable housing, hidden homelessness, housing loss, and shelter use among families. Drawing upon a survey of more than 1,500 parents living in highrise rental apartments in the City of Toronto, this study explores these links in more depth. We ask: how common is inadequate housing and risk of homelessness among families with children living in highrise rental apartments in Toronto’s low-­‐income neighbourhoods?

Download the full report "Nowhere Else to Go: Inadequate Housing & Risk of Homelessness Among Families in Toronto’s Aging Rental Buildings"

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