Responding to homelessness: A study of the population ecology and organizational structures of shelters

This paper provides a systematic examination of the population of homeless shelters in order to empirical model to examine the relationships between the community ecosystem, organizational structures, and service delivery systems. Touching on organizational theories, specifically population ecology theory, it uses cross-sectional research design to develop a survey of shelters while comparing data from several secondary sources. In terms of findings it focuses on two models. Model 1, which isn't supported by research, suggested that organizational age will have a direct and linear influence on the organizational structure of a service provider. While Model 2, which is supported by research, posits that the community ecosystem will have a direct influence on the organizational structure and an indirect influence on the service delivery system, through its relationship with organizational structure. Overall, higher levels of organizational formalization, occupational complexity, and environmental constraints had a significant positive effect on service delivery.


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