Understanding Women’s Second Stage Housing Programs in BC

In 2009, the administration of the Women’s Transition Housing and Supports Program (WTHSP) was transferred from the Ministry of Housing and Social Development to the British Columbia Housing Management Commission (BC Housing). The WTHSP includes transition houses, safe homes and second stage housing for women with or without children who have experienced violence and/or are at risk of violence. In addition to the nine second stage housing projects that transferred to BC Housing from the Ministry of Housing and Social Development, BC Housing also funds seven additional second stage housing programs through other BC Housing funding programs. BC Housing provided funding to 16 second stage housing projects in 2011/12, with approximately 160 housing units.

Second stage housing programs provide housing and supports for women who have left abusive relationships as they make plans for independent living. Many women are referred to second stage housing programs from shorterterm transition houses and safe home programs. Second stage housing programs provide emotional support, safety planning, safe affordable transitional housing, and referrals to support services and long-term housing.

The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of how the BC Housing funded second stage housing programs operate. This included looking at the services provided, housing form, and staffing models. The report can be used by second stage program providers to learn how other second stage housing programs operate. This report will also inform policy and program decisions. As well, this report can be used by housing providers considering or developing new second stage housing programs.

This study involved in-depth qualitative interviews with 16 second stage housing programs. Interviews were conducted with the program coordinators, but in some cases other colleagues from the agencies participated in the interviews, such as the supervisors of the program coordinators. The interviews were done over the phone and took approximately one hour to complete.

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British Columbia, Canada