Welfare Moms who need a Push

Lynn is 20 years old, white and on welfare. Huge loops of fake gold tug at her earlobes. A fountain of over-permed, oft-dyed hair cascades from a bright purple tie. She wears cheap rugby shirts and generic gymmies while stockpiling her pennies for Hilfiger and Fila. Lynn puffs Newports with a vengeance, and the habit has etched her face with deep, angry lines. The practiced tough-girl countenance -- formidable enough to get her through the occasional street scuffle and a couple of group home stints -- softens sometimes when there's a fine guy around or when she's hangin' with her "girls." Thanks to her penchant for sleeping in till 2 or so -- which she blames on a mysterious medical malady that "keeps her tired all the time" -- Lynn was forced to drop out of a GED program that required consistent attendance.

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