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Employment & Homelessness
People experiencing homelessness face a number of challenges with finding employment in the formal labour market. The stereotype that all homeless people are unemployed because they are lazy is simply...
Homelessness among Canadian Newcomers
Securing reliable employment and having access to adequate and affordable housing are critical first steps in the immigration settlement process. Newcomers, including immigrants and refugees, often face increasing barriers to...
Rural Populations & Northern Communities
One of the challenges in understanding and responding to homelessness is that it is often framed as an urban, inner-city phenomenon. With the majority of the Canadian population living within...
Homelessness among Canada’s senior population
According to a study of Canadian homeless shelters, over 8.3% of shelter users are 55 and over and tend to have longer shelter stays compared to younger adults. Seniors can...
Foster Care & Youth Homelessness
Foster care is linked to homelessness in two ways. First, a foster care history is linked to later homelessness. Research highlights that over 40 percent of homeless youth in Canada...
Child & Family Homelessness in Canada
The State of Homelessness in Canada 2014 says that for every person who is unsheltered, there are at least three people experiencing hidden homelessness. Applied nationally, this conservative estimate of...