Are you working in the homelessness sector and in need of program evaluation support? We’ve got an exciting update for you!
Hub Solutions is a social enterprise nestled within the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness that provides research, evaluation and design services to organizations working to end homelessness. As part of our mandate, and recognizing that preventing and ending homelessness is a shared effort, we are looking for new ways to support the sector. This is why we are excited to announce that we are giving away a FREE evaluation consultation!
What are we talking about?
This is a unique opportunity to win a free evaluation consultation from Hub Solutions! It’s also an opportunity for us to reflect and check in with our stakeholders (you!) and the homelessness sector to learn about your needs and how we can work together to prevent and end homelessness in Canada.
Who can apply for the FREE evaluation consultation giveaway?
- Organizations based in Canada who are working to end homelessness. If you have multiple programs to submit, you can even have multiple submissions.
- Small agencies, organizations and collectives who are doing really great work, but don’t always have the time to dedicate their efforts to evaluation or sustainability.
Is this FREE evaluation consultation for you?
Is your initiative making magic happen in the community? Do you need support showing how your initiative shines for that future funding proposal, community check-in or an upcoming AGM? Do you need support figuring out your initiative’s pain points and how you can do better?
If yes, then we would say this opportunity is for you!
If I get picked, what happens next?
We’ll let you know if you’ve won by December 2018 and intend to hit the ground running by January 2019. We’ll schedule a kick off meeting with our team and your team for January, where we’ll figure out the nitty gritty of your project, schedules, timelines, and all that other fun stuff. From there, the Hub Solutions team will go and do their magic!
Ready to take the plunge? Fill out this short 15 minute application and enter to win!
If you’re still not sure, check out more information here. You can always shoot John Ecker (our Director of Research & Evaluation) a message with your questions as well, and we’d be happy to answer them!
Need a hand today? The Hub Solutions team is still around to meet your evaluation needs! Contact us today!