The full series is available for free on-demand on the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness website. Visit the Prevention Matters page now and watch our episodes back at your convenience!
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Prevention Matters!
Building Homes Together: Homelessness Prevention With Indigenous Women
October is Women’s History Month in Canada, and to mark it this year, the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness organized an online discussion about the Alternative Builds program. Alternative Builds is...
Prevention Matters!
Thinking Beyond Housing: Understanding and Preventing Indigenous Homelessness in Canada
“Indigenous homelessness/houselessness and prevention is a very complex issue that has deep historical, structural, social, spiritual, cultural and physical components, among other things.” – Cathy Fournier In Canada, Indigenous Peoples...
Prevention Matters!
From Vulnerability to Stability: The Legal Path to Preventing Youth Homelessness
Lawyers may not be the first professionals who come to mind when we think of preventing and ending youth homelessness, but for young people at risk of or experiencing homelessness...
Prevention Matters!
Duty to Assist Involves More than Just the Homelessness Sector
Duty to Assist is a homelessness prevention approach that works upstream and uses a human-rights lens. Originating in Wales, it is also known as the Housing (Wales) Act 2014, which...
Prevention Matters!
Displacement Happens Incrementally and Builds Over Time: Urban and Rural Displacement in Ontario
Evictions and displacement in areas near global cities, such as the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), have been on the rise in the past decade. The fifth episode of Prevention Matters!,...
Prevention Matters!
Overrepresented and Understudied: A Spotlight on Black Youth Homelessness Prevention
It is increasingly apparent that despite being overrepresented among those experiencing homelessness, research on Black youth homelessness is limited. This blog recaps the second session of ‘Prevention Matters!’, in which Nathan...
Prevention Matters!
“It’s not Going to Be Done Just by the Homelessness Sector”: Homelessness Prevention 101
Over the past few years, the homelessness crisis has become impossible to ignore, but the current situation was decades in the making, and solving it will take efforts far beyond...
“Strengthening and Widening a Young Person’s Support Network Is Never the Wrong Way to Go”
Last month, the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness hosted a conversation about the Family and Natural Supports model with Jessica Ward (360 Kids), Melody Brewer (Canadian Mental Health Association of Kelowna),...
Prevention Matters!
Prevention Matters! A New Expert Panel Series Hosted by the COH
The homelessness sector already knows that the only way to truly solve the problem of homelessness is to shift towards preventing it before it happens. In fact, in our recent...