Community Plan

10-Year Municipal Housing & Homelessness Plan in the City of Kingston and County of Frontenac

In 2011, the new Housing Services Act came into effect, requiring all Service Managers in Ontario to develop a ten-year plan to identify objectives and targets related to housing and homelessness, as well as actions proposed to meet those objectives.

The City of Kingston, as the Service Manager for the City and the County of Frontenac, had a Municipal Housing Strategy approved by Council in July 2011 but it did not include an official plan to address homelessness. Thus, in summer 2012, OrgCode Consulting, Inc. was retained to commence development on a local plan to end homelessness, which would be used to guide future funding and service orientation related to homelessness services. Concurrently, the Municipal Housing Strategy was updated to extend the projections to a ten-year horizon and to bring it into alignment with the homelessness strategies.

The result of this effort is the updated 10-Year Municipal Housing & Homelessness Plan which was approved by City Council on December 17th 2013. This Plan recognizes and builds on the existing Municipal Housing Strategy (2011). The original MHS is not required to read, understand, or implement the strategies and recommendations identified in this document. However, the Municipal Housing Strategy includes a needs assessment and other important background information useful for understanding how the recommendations in this document were developed.