An Assessment of the Infrastructure and Service Requirements of Homeless Individuals in the Baccalieu Trail Region, 2009-2010

This report is in fulfillment of a contract between Heather Tite (consultant) and Mariner Resource Opportunities Network Inc.

1.1 Statement of Purpose:

The intention of this project is to develop a comprehensive Community Plan which will aim to address the needs and challenges facing individuals who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in the Baccalieu Trail region, NL, and in doing so, improve the region’s ability to ensure that all residents have access to safe, affordable and appropriate housing.

1.2 Project Objectives:

This project has four main objectives, namely:

1. Establish a Resource Committee who will provide project direction and monitor progress on an ongoing basis. The committee will oversee the development of the project and assist in focusing the resulting Community Plan.

2. Develop and implement a research methodology designed to identify the needs of and challenges facing individuals in the Baccalieu Trail region with regard to homelessness and the risk of homelessness.

3. Identify the services and other supports which are needed to reduce the rates of homelessness or vulnerability to homelessness among individuals in the Baccalieu Trail region.

4. Develop a comprehensive Community Plan based upon the findings of this research and provide a comprehensive set of recommendations based upon the research and the consensus of the Resource Committee.

Publication Date: 
St. John's, NL, Canada