The First Nations/Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (FN/CIS-2019) is a study of child welfare investigations involving First Nations and non-Indigenous children. It is the fourth national study to provide up-to-date estimates of child welfare investigations across Canada.
This report is a collaborative effort by the FN/CIS research team and the First Nations Advisory Committee to:
1. Continue to monitor national-level data on investigations involving First Nations children compared to non-Indigenous children as intended by the Truth & Reconciliation’s Calls to Action, including;
- Investigating the type and severity of maltreatment
- Documenting caregiver, household and child characteristics of families investigated
- Monitoring short-term investigation outcomes such as placement and reunification
2. Ensure the appropriate contextualization of findings.
3. Disseminate research results to First Nations communities.