
Final reports and contributions from the final Housing First Europe conference in Amsterdam, June 2013

The conference focused on mutual learning that would bring together different stakeholders to discuss the results of the assessments, and generally facilitated exchanges on different Housing First projects across the EU and beyond (USA, Canada). The conference gave the attendants the opportunity to discuss commonalities and differences between the projects and common challenges, which has contributed to develop mutual understanding on Housing First concepts.

Housing First Europe
Housing First Europe was a Social Experimentation project funded in the framework of the PROGRESS programme of the European Commission. It aimed at evaluation and mutual learning of local projects in ten European cities.

The Housing First projects provide homeless people with complex needs immediate access to long-term, self-contained housing and intensive support.

The plight of homelessness exists across the EU, even in developed welfare states. The need for innovation in the homeless sector is therefore crucial. Housing First approaches are thought to be effective in tackling chronic homelessness, which is why they have received broad interest in Europe. The approach was originally developed in the United States and has been used predominantly to tackle chronic homelessness, especially of people with mental illness and co-occurring substance abuse.

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