The wraparound process is a collaborative, team-based approach to service and support planning. Through the wraparound process, teams create plans to meet the needs—and improve the lives—of children and youth with complex needs and their families. The wraparound team members—the identified child/youth, parents/caregivers and other family and community members, mental health professionals, educators, and others—meet regularly to design, implement, and monitor a plan to meet the unique needs of the child and family. As is described in depth in other sections of this Resource Guide, the wraparound process can be described as one in which the team:
- Creates, implements, and monitors an individualized plan using a collaborative process driven by the perspective of the family;
- Develops a plan that includes a mix of professional supports, natural supports, and community members;
- Bases the plan on the strengths and culture of the youth and their family; and
- Ensures that the process is driven by the needs of the family rather than by the services that are available or reimbursable.