This special issue of the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education focuses on educational institutions’ responses to the increasing and shifting populations of homeless and highly mobile children and youth in a post-economic recession era.
Homeless and highly mobile students: equity, access and institutional response
Authors: Hallett, Ronald E.; Miller, Peter M.; Skrla, Linda
Homelessness in the elementary school classroom: social and emotional consequences
Authors: Chow, Kirby A.; Mistry, Rashmita S.; Melchor, Vanessa L.
Where there is no hope: a teacher’s experience with homelessness
Authors: Nath, Veena; Hallett, Ronald E.
That is not what homeless is: a school district’s journey toward serving homeless, doubled-up, and economically displaced children and youth
Authors: Hallett, Ronald E.; Skrla, Linda; Low, Justin
Beyond backpacks and bus tokens: next steps for a district homeless student initiative
Authors: Hallett, Ronald E.; Low, Justin A.; Skrla, Linda
A teacher’s journey: a first-person account of how a gay, Cambodian refugee navigated myriad barriers to become educated in the United States
Authors: Sam, Kosal; Finley, Susan
Brokering educational opportunity for homeless students and their families
Authors: Miller, Peter M.; Pavlakis, Alexandra; Samartino, Lea; Bourgeois, Alexis
Joining Forces for Families: an embedded response to neighborhood poverty
Authors: Bruce, Michael; Chance, Ron; Meulemans, Laurie
Bringing it home: understanding the lives of homeless youth
Author: Tierney, William G.