Literature Review

Ottawa GLBT Wellness Project: Literature Review and Survey Instruments

The following literature review focused on obtaining information of use in the preparation and administration of a wellness needs assessment survey in Ottawa’s GLBT communities. The purpose of the literature review was to find information that would help establish “what to ask, how to ask, and who to ask” in conducting the needs assessment. Specifically information was sought on:

1) other surveys of wellness needs and strengths within GLBT communities,

2) descriptions of methodologies and sampling strategies, including how research in the GLBT communities has dealt with uncertain prevalence rates and ascertaining sexual orientation

3) summaries of trends in health behaviours, health beliefs, morbidity, and mortality in GLBT communities,

4) descriptions of health issues typically examined in GLBT wellness initiatives, and

5) examples of innovative programs and services and/or initiatives undertaken to support wellness in GLBT communities.