As Canada transitions into the COVID-19 recovery phase, what is the role of Government is addressing the addiction and...
The urban camping/rough sleeping/unsheltered debate in Canada very much predates the COVID-19 pandemic. Community...
Abe OudshoornJune 04, 2020
Homelessness: The ongoing crisis within the global pandemic It’s been over two months since Canada started to take...
Amanda BuchneaMay 28, 2020
Earlier this year, a large rally was held in downtown Ottawa calling for a state of emergency. Spearheaded by urban...
Leigh BurseyMay 27, 2020
Much of the Canadian response to COVID-19 and homelessness has been built around the concern related to transmission...
Abe OudshoornMay 20, 2020
Harm Reduction continues to be one of the biggest challenges facing the health and homelessness sector during COVID-19...
Bernie PaulyMay 20, 2020