Setting the Course: A Blueprint to End Youth Homelessness in Calgary

As Alberta embarks on the mission to end homelessness in ten years, it is critical that the particular needs of young homeless persons are addressed appropriately. If effective interventions are not implemented, today‘s homeless youth are at risk of becoming tomorrow‘s homeless adults.

To end homelessness in Alberta, we must address the primary pathways into youth homelessness, including poverty, family conflict, abuse and addictions as well as re-structured interventions to streamline rapid pathways out of homelessness using a Housing First approach.

We strongly support a holistic approach to ending youth homelessness that addresses the needs of youth as old as 24. It‘s important to note and acknowledge that for many youth, independence at 18 is unrealistic. We must ensure youth are supported toward self-sufficiency irrespective of the age of majority, given their diverse developmental stages.

"Setting the Course" is a discussion paper which aims to quantify and describe the challenge of youth homelessness in Calgary and to identify potential solutions. More importantly we hope to spark community action on to end youth homelessness in our city.

Publication Date: 
Calgary, AB, Canada