Housing Outreach Project-Collaborative
About HOP-C
The Housing Outreach Project – Collaborative (HOP-C) came together as a response to the short and long-term psychosocial challenges that young people face in the transition out of homelessness. HOP-C considers youth leadership, sector collaboration, a team approach, and cultural relevance as foundational to its work. The primary objective of HOP-C is to foster efforts that enable young people in transitions to healthier lives.

Studying pathways out of homelessness
The Exiting Street Life Study is a longitudinal study examining the transition away from homelessness for 51 young people over the course of a year in Toronto and Halifax. Information about the study including main findings are available in an Executive Summary, as well as through a comic book produced as part of the project.
The comic is called ‘A Long Way to Go‘ and it was insightfully written by three participants in the project and illustrated by the very talented comic artist Sarafin as a way to illustrate central themes and to bring them to life.
The study was funded by SSHRC and the W. Garfield Weston Foundation and was assisted by Covenant House Toronto, LOFT Community Services, SKETCH, Ark, and Supportive Housing for Young Mothers (SHYM).
- Book/E-book
Homeless Youth and the Search for Stability - Journal
How Stable is Stable? Defining and Measuring Housing Stability
Brief report: Youth pathways out of homelessness – Preliminary findings
A Mixed Methods Study of Recently Homeless Youth Efforts to Sustain Housing and Stability - Report
The Exiting Street Life Study

Practice Guide
Stabilizing Pathways Out of Youth Homelessness

By Youth For Youth Initiative
The By Youth for Youth (BYFY) initiative involves participatory action projects driven by youth who have experienced homelessness. Participants build resources for others and become skillful and strong leaders in the process.
BYFY round was founded by HOP-C peer supports and participants – the first project produced the MY Guide – which was shared with organizations internationally.
Our group was then funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council to kick of youth initiatives in Thunder Bay and Managua, Nicaragua. These projects have just landed! Check out their amazing work here:
We are working to scale BYFY out further globally. Stay tuned!
- Book/E-book
3.6 Peer support work to enhance services for youth experiencing homelessness - Journal
“My _______” – A prompted bullet journal/survival guide
Peer Support in the Homeless Youth Context: Requirements, Design, and Outcomes
By Youth for Youth: Empowering Youth Experiencing Homelessness in Managua, Nicaragua - Report
By Youth for Youth (BYFY) Nicaragua
By Youth For Youth Guide
The Queer Agenda Project: A Collection of Queer Knowledge
Tenancy Rights Project Videos