
Looking into Poverty: Income Sources of Poor People with Disabilities in Canada

This report provides a statistical look at the personal income sources of people with disabilities who live in low income households in Canada. These are people who live in ‘straightened circumstances’, are sometimes referred to as living below the ‘poverty line’ and are here referred to as ‘poor’ or as having ‘low income’.

The report is one piece of work that was completed for the Community-University Research Alliance (CURA) led by the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) entitled, ‘Disabling Poverty / Enabling Citizenship’. (For more information see and The present research draws mainly from the public use version of the 2009 Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID), which is a large Statistics Canada survey that is conducted annually. SLID has historically provided a wealth of information on the income, employment and other socio-demographic characteristics of Canadian adults 16 years and older.