
Report on Equality Rights of People with Disabilities

This Report on Equality Rights of People with Disabilities presents a national portrait of people with disabilities compared to people without disabilities based on seven dimensions of well-being, considered critical from an equality rights perspective. They are: economic well-being, education, employment, health, housing, justice and safety, and political and social inclusion.

This report is divided into nine chapters. The introductory chapter deals with the methodology and the data sources used. Chapter 1 presents an overview of the distribution of adults with disabilities in Canada by type and severity of disability. Subsequent chapters offer a portrait of how people with disabilities compare to people without disabilities for each of the seven dimensions.

Finally, this report is about documenting the status of people with disabilities with respect to their well-being and is not a “report card” or an evaluation of Canada’s performance. It simply brings together existing but discrete data from an equality rights perspective