The Trauma-Informed Practice (TIP) Guide and TIP Organizational Checklist are intended to support the translation of trauma-informed principles into practice. Included are concrete strategies to guide the professional work of practitioners assisting clients with mental health and substance use (MHSU) concerns in British Columbia.
The TIP Guide is based on: findings from current literature; lessons learned from implementation in other jurisdictions; and, ideas offered by practitioners who participated in focus groups and interviews in 2011 in each of the BC Health Regions. In these 2011 consultations, practitioners described the work they were already doing to address the needs of clients with trauma concerns and provided insights on what else might be useful at practice and system levels.
In 2012, the BC TIP Project Team again gathered feedback from practitioners and leaders in Health Regions in BC on this TIP Guide and the TIP Organizational Checklist.
An important goal of the TIP Guide and Checklist is to build on what is already working for individuals, practitioners and programs. It is not about replacing existing good practices; rather, it is about refining existing practices and informing mental health treatment professionals about trauma-informed approaches.