Homeless Count

Toronto Street Needs Assessment 2021

The City of Toronto conducted its fifth Street Needs Assessment (SNA) in April, 2021. The Street Needs Assessment (SNA) is a needs assessment survey and point-in-time count of people experiencing homelessness in Toronto led by Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, in collaboration with community partners in the homelessness sector. The City has conducted SNAs since 2006 and has done so in 2009, 2013, and 2018. Due to the City’s COVID-19 pandemic response, the SNA which was planned for Spring of 2020 had to be postponed.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, significant changes have been made to how services are being provided to people experiencing homelessness. The 2021 results provide critical data needed to understand the impact of the pandemic on homelessness, and to understand broader service needs of people experiencing homelessness in Toronto. The SNA also gives people experiencing homelessness a voice in what services would help them get housing and supports they need to end their homelessness. This information is used to improve the housing and homelessness programs provided by the City of Toronto and its partners to better serve our clients and effectively address homelessness.

The 2021 SNA included people staying outdoors and in encampments, in Cityadministered shelters and shelter hotels (including COVID-19 response sites and the isolation/recovery site), 24-hour respite sites (including 24-hour women’s drop-ins and winter services in operation), as well as provincially-administered Violence Against Women shelters, and health and treatment and correctional facilities. The SNA does not include people who are experiencing hidden homelessness, such as people who are temporarily staying with others.