Lesson Plans

The Study of Homelessness in English and Media Classes in Canadian Secondary Schools

  • GRADES: Grade 10-12 Media, Grade 9-10 English, Grade 9-10 Drama, ESLE (Grammar unit)
  • Key Terms and Minds-On Questions
  • Includes full unit plan (and 3 part lesson plans)
  • Examples for Assessment As/For Learning (diagnostic checkbricks, big idea questions)
  • Examples for Assessment Of Learning (debates, collogues, cartoons, monologues, skits, etc)

“Homelessness” as a topic for study offers us, the teachers of English and Media, a thought-provoking lens for considering anew many standard literary classics and, thus, for deepening our perspectives on contemporary literature. Traditional universal themes– revenge, forbidden love, the journey, for example–have stood the test of time as avenues of approach for literary studies; now, despite its decidedly modern ring, “homelessness” offers a less-traditional but universal theme, one attended by an array of social, economic, political, and moral issues for consideration in our classrooms.