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Memengwaa Program: MtS Youth Homelessness Prevention Awards Winner
The Memengwaa program developed by Shawenim Abinoojii, in Winnipeg, MB, was recently selected as one of the winners of the fourth annual Making the Shift Youth Homelessness Prevention Awards. We...
OneRoof Program: MtS Youth Homelessness Prevention Awards Winner
The OneRoof program developed by Kingston HomeBase, in Kingston, ON, was recently selected as one of the winners of the fourth annual Making the Shift Youth Homelessness Prevention Awards. We...
Preventing Discharge to No Fixed Address for Youth (NFA-Y) Program: Honourable Mention of the 2023 MtS Youth Homelessness Prevention Awards
The Preventing Discharge to No Fixed Address for Youth (NFA-Y) program run as a partnership between Youth Opportunities Unlimited (YOU) and the Lawson Health Research Institute was recently recognized as...
Bright Mindz Youth Housing Initiative: Honourable Mention of the 2023 MtS Youth Homelessness Prevention Awards
The Bright Mindz youth housing initiative, developed by the Canadian Mental Health Association – Kelowna in Kelowna, BC was recently recognized as an honourable mention for the third annual Making...
Niginan Housing Ventures – Omamoo Wango Gamik Program: MtS Youth Homelessness Prevention Awards Winner
The Omamoo Wango Gamik program developed by Niginan Housing Ventures (NHV) in Edmonton, AB, is an Indigenous-led registered charity that serves those with complex medical, social and housing needs, was...
Wyndham House – Concurrent Specialized Youth Hub Program: MtS Youth Homelessness Prevention Awards Winner
The Concurrent Specialized Youth Hub program developed by Wyndham House in Guelph, ON was recently selected as one of the winners of the third annual Making the Shift Youth Homelessness...