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Prevention Matters!
Building Homes Together: Homelessness Prevention With Indigenous Women
October is Women’s History Month in Canada, and to mark it this year, the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness organized an online discussion about the Alternative Builds program. Alternative Builds is...
Prevention Matters!
Thinking Beyond Housing: Understanding and Preventing Indigenous Homelessness in Canada
“Indigenous homelessness/houselessness and prevention is a very complex issue that has deep historical, structural, social, spiritual, cultural and physical components, among other things.” – Cathy Fournier In Canada, Indigenous Peoples...
Prevention Matters!
Prevention Matters! A New Expert Panel Series Hosted by the COH
The homelessness sector already knows that the only way to truly solve the problem of homelessness is to shift towards preventing it before it happens. In fact, in our recent...
How Can We Move Black Youth out of Homelessness?
A new transitional housing project in York Region aims to create the conditions for change. 360°kids is a non-profit organization that works to prevent homelessness by helping youth at risk, or...
Does Housing First for Youth Work in Canada? Preliminary Findings from a Pilot Study
Previous research has demonstrated that Housing First can be effective in preventing homelessness among adults in Canada. With no preconditions, such as abstinence from substances, ‘Housing First’ is a recovery-oriented...
Key Considerations for Implementing the Family and Natural Supports Approach
“A truly effective response to youth homelessness must consider the important role the family and community connections can play for any young person.” – Family and Natural Supports: A Framework to...