September 03, 2013

Homelessness in Canada (Week of August 25, 2013)

It’s back to school time for many students and educators out there. Last week’s “Ask the Hub” blog post covered some important information for going back to school: “Where can teachers and students find resources for school using the Homeless Hub?” This post outlines how the Homeless Hub can be a resource for students (and teachers) who are returning to school and looking for some extra information on teaching, researching or studying homelessness.

Last week’s “Infographic of the Week” can be an important resource for organizations that are looking to broaden their reach through the use of social media. The document outlines the way that hashtags can be used effectively (and ineffectively). This information can be a great resource, and important to keep in mind when trying to reach people with content that is relevant to them.

This article by Iryn Tushabe outlines a couple of the challenges faced by those experiencing homelessness in Regina. One of the individuals in the report is living with both HIV and Hepatitis C. For more information on hepatitis and homelessness see this previous Homeless Hub post for World Hepatitis Day.

The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, Alberta released their progress report on their 10 year plan to end homelessness. Wood Buffalo has been successfully using a Housing First approach in order to end homelessness. The document outlines goals that have contributed to a 40.6% decrease in homelessness between 2008-2012.

Cindy Chan, from the Winnipeg Free Press, wrote this piece on Housing First, discussing how the program has helped house those experiencing homelessness who have a mental illness. The article interviews Housing First participant Joe Hatch. To learn more about Joe’s story you can take a look at this 2012 piece featured on the Here at Home blog.

The analysis and interpretations contained in these blog posts are those of the individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness.