Home Mental Health & Addictions Interventions for Youth Experiencing Homelessness: Practical Strategies for Front-line Providers 4. ASSESSMENT & EVALUATION
- Mental Health & Addictions Interventions for Youth Experiencing Homelessness: Practical Strategies for Front-line Providers
- Preface
- Foreword
- 1. Approaches & Interventions
- 1.1 Substance Use & Mental Health Interventions for Youth Who Are Homeless: The Community Reinforcement Approach & Motivational Enhancement Therapy
- 1.2 Dialectical Behaviour Therapy to Enhance Emotional Regulation & Resilience Among Street-Involved Youth
- 1.3 Mindfulness Approaches for Youth Experiencing Homelessness
- 1.4 Trauma-Informed Care for Street-Involved Youth
- 1.5 Ecologically Based Family Therapy for Adolescents Who Have Left Home
- 1.6 Crisis Response with Street-Involved Youth
- 2. Specific Groups
- 2.1 Supporting Indigenous Youth Experiencing Homelessness
- 2.2 Responding to the Needs of LGBTQ2S Youth Experiencing Homelessness
- 2.3 Engaging with Newcomer Youth Experiencing Homelessness
- 2.4 Anti-Racist Praxis with Street-Involved African Canadian Youth
- 2.5 Ecologically Based Treatment for Mothers Experiencing Homelessness Who Have Children in Their Care
- 2.6 Developing a Trauma-Informed Mental Health Group Intervention for Youth Transitioning out of Homelessness
- 3. Contexts & Considerations
- 3.1 Preventing Burnout Among Service Providers
- 3.2 Responding to mental health concerns on the front line: Building capacity at a crisis shelter for youth experiencing homelessness
- 3.3 Strengths-based outreach & advocacy for non-service-connected youth experiencing homelessness
- 3.4 The individual placement & support model of supported employment for street-involved youth with mental illness
- 3.5 Beautiful trouble: Possibilities in the arts with street-involved youth
- 3.6 Peer support work to enhance services for youth experiencing homelessness
- 3.7 The digital lives of youth who are homeless: Implications for intervention, policy, and services
- 3.8 Partnerships that support mental health intervention for street-involved youth
- 3.9 Resilience-based mental health intervention for street children in developing countries
- Afterword
Publication date2018