Home Youth Employment Toolkit Understanding Employment Insurance (EI)
- Youth Employment Toolkit
- Overview
- References
- Understanding Employment Insurance (EI)
- Employment Insurance Overview
- → Calculating EI
- → Variable Best Weeks
- EI Family Supplement
- History
- Philosophy
- Core Values
- Model
- Programs
- Overview
- History
- Criteria
- Application/Screening Process
- Duration
- Completion
- Hours
- Tiers
- → Tier 1
- → Tier 2
- → Tier 3
- The Work
- → Retrofits
- → Modernization and Improvement (M&I)
- → Special Contracts
- Standards
- Supports to Success
- Intensive Support Model
- → Case Management as part of ISM
- Housing Supports
- Harm Reduction Approach
- Strength-Based Approach
- Training
- Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S)
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Certificate of Recognition™ (COR™) Certification
- → COR™ and PRIME
- Carpenters Millwrights College (CMC)
- Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation (NLHC)
- CUPE Local 1860
- Staff Training
- Staff Roles
- Train for Trades Staff Job Descriptions
- → Sub-Contractors
- Evaluation and Measuring Progress
- About Choices For Youth
- Conclusion
- Funding
- Theoretical Approaches
- Youth Employment Backgrounder
- Lessons Learned and Recommendations
- Safety
- Changes to T4T for 2015-2016
- Social Enterprise Backgrounder
- Energy Issues Backgrounder
- Train for Trades
- Applying for the Program
- Partnerships
- Policies and Procedures
- About the Work
- Staffing