→ STEP 3: Skill Building
By Step 3, you are expected to have achieved a stable routine and are ready to add to your skills for independence.
- Pay program fee of $300 on the first of each month, unless otherwise arranged.
- Attend a weekly case planning meeting with Case Manager.
- Adhere to your case plan, including your plan for school or work.
- Wake up and get yourself to appointments/work/school as needed and without reminders.
- Take medications as prescribed. Be responsible for remembering to do this.
- Sign in and out every time you enter or leave the building.
- Meet daily curfew requirements (12:00am on work or school days/2:00am on 2 days off per week).
- Overnights (up to 3 per month) or extended curfews only with pre-approval.
- Attend Life Skills sessions as assigned.
- Keep apartment clean, clean up after yourself in the common area and complete common area chores daily.
- Adhere to behavioural guidelines.
- Complete weekly program requirements.
- Ensure that you are up-to-date in filing your taxes.