Building Homes Together: Homelessness Prevention With Indigenous Women
October is Women’s History Month in Canada, and to mark it this year, the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness organized an online discussion about the Alternative Builds program. Alternative Builds is...
- Blog
Thinking Beyond Housing: Understanding and Preventing Indigenous Homelessness in Canada
“Indigenous homelessness/houselessness and prevention is a very complex issue that has deep historical, structural, social, spiritual, cultural and physical components, among other things.” – Cathy Fournier In Canada, Indigenous Peoples...
Métis Housing Need in Saskatchewan
Although Indigenous Peoples across Canada experience housing need at a disproportionate rate, what this means specifically varies from community to community. Recently, the Federal Housing Advocate, Marie-Josée Houle, and the...
- Report
The Case for Youth Homelessness and Homelessness Prevention in the UNECE Region
This brief aims to highlight the necessity for immediate and comprehensive action to address youth homelessness as a vital step toward achieving the objective of implementing the Geneva UN Charter...
E-Book Launch: Pandemic Preparedness and Homelessness: International Lessons from COVID-19
In an era where the impact of global events transcends borders, the lessons we learn from crises such as COVID-19 become invaluable tools for shaping our future, including how it...