- Report
Vancouver’s Housing and Homelessness Strategy: A home for everyone 3 Year Action Plan 2012 ‐ 2014
The Housing and Homelessness Strategy describes the City’s overall direction for housing over the next 10 years. The strategy will be implemented through a series of Action Plans corresponding to the City’s capital Plan cycle. This document is the first 3 Year Action Plan (2012 – 2014).
- Homeless Count
2013 Vancouver Homeless Count: Executive Summary
Key Findings: On March 13, 2013, a total of 1,600 homeless individuals were counted (273 on the street and 1,327 in shelters). The total number of homeless has remained stable...
- Report Card
2013 Housing & Homelessness Strategy Targets: Report Card for Vancouver
The 2012 report card on the City’s Housing and Homelessness strategy shows Vancouver is currently exceeding all of its short-term targets for protecting and expanding affordable rental housing, building new...
- Homeless Count
Vancouver 2012 Homeless Count Results
A Home for Everyone 1. End Street Homelessness by 20152. Increase affordable housing choices for all citizens
- Community Plan
Vancouver’s Housing and Homelessness Strategy 2012-2021 – A home for everyone
Vancouver is a growing and diverse city with significant housing challenges. Providing a range of housing options is critical to the social and economic health of the City. The Housing...