- Lesson Plans
Exploring Homelessness Through the Artist’s Hands
This unit explores homelessness by taking art back to the street. Some of the most influential and progressive artists have emerged from this form of art. Students will explore graffiti...
- Lesson Plans
Integrating Homelessness Into Civics Classes
GRADES: Grade 10 Civics, Grade 10 History (Present),ESL-D/E (Social Justice/Human Rights) *could also be integrated into Grade 5 Language Arts with the exemplair of the grade 5 poem and connection to...
- Lesson Plans
Exploring Homelessness Through the Artist’s Hands
GRADES: 9-10 Visual Arts(The Elements of Design),ESLE (Social Justice and Media) Includes a full unit plan (3 part lesson plans) Think, Pair, Share Activities Checkbricks for Assessments As/For Learning Integration of...
- Lesson Plans
Integrating Homelessness Issues into Family/Social Sciences Classes
GRADES: 11-12 Food and Nutrition, Grade 10 Civics, ESLC (letter writing to government MP) Includes full unit plan (with 3 part lesson plans that include Learning Outcomes/Learning Goals) Checkbricks for Assessments...
- Lesson Plans
The Study of Homelessness in English and Media Classes in Canadian Secondary Schools
GRADES: Grade 10-12 Media, Grade 9-10 English, Grade 9-10 Drama, ESLE (Grammar unit) Key Terms and Minds-On Questions Includes full unit plan (and 3 part lesson plans) Examples for Assessment As/For...