- Report
What is a Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness?
In 2000, the National Alliance to End Homelessness released “A Plan, Not a Dream: How to End Homelessness in Ten Years.” Drawing on research and innovative programs from around the...
- Toolkit
Homeless System Evaluator Tool
The Center for Capacity Building developed a Homeless System Evaluator Tool. This tool is designed to help communities determine how well they are preventing and ending homelessness based on data...
- Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet: Point-in-Time Counts
This document provides information about what a point-in-time counts is and how the information collected informs policy and the direction of services.
- Report
Beyond Planning: Denver, CO
Denver, CO has experienced tremendous success in implementing its Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness, Denver’s Road Home. Much of Denver’s implementation success can be attributed to a few core...
- Toolkit
The HEARTH Academy
The Alliance’s Center for Capacity Building is hosting a HEARTH Academy to prepare communities to meet the ambitious performance expectations of the HEARTH Act, particularly the outcomes of reducing homelessness...