- Report
Five Steps to End Veteran Homelessness
The drive to end veteran homelessness by the end of 2015 is underway across the country. The following are five steps your community can take to ensure that you are...
- Fact Sheet
Media Resource: Trends in Homelessness
Is homelessness in the U.S. increasing or decreasing? Are there more homeless children today than this day last year; this year than in past years? Questions such as these can...
- Toolkit
What Gets Measured, Gets Done: A Toolkit on Performance Measurement for Ending Homelessness
This toolkit provides an overview of performance measurement 101, including how to design a system and build it from scratch, using data to manage or change a homeless system, and...
- Toolkit
Rapid Re-Housing Toolkit
This toolkit is designed to provide sample materials organizations and rapid re-housing program staff can use as a part of rapid re-housing. Rapid re-housing has three core components: housing identification,...
- Report
A Research Agenda for Ending Homelessness – June 2014
Increasingly, the federal government invests in cost-effective and outcome-oriented programs. To date, homelessness assistance programs have been able to make the case that the federal funding they receive is effectively...