- Report
FY 2012 HUD Homeless Assistance Funding
This policy brief examines potential changes to funding allocations for the Homeless Assistance grants under the HEARTH Act. (Author) The HEARTH Act increases funding for many important homelessness prevention and...
- Report
National Alliance to End Homelessness Community Snapshot: Wichita, KS
The Alliance has released another community profile in its Community Snapshot series, which profiles effective strategies, programs, and innovations in preventing and ending homelessness from communities across the country. (Author)...
- Toolkit
National Alliance to End Homelessness: Housing First Topic Page
The National Alliance to End Homelessness coordinates a network dedicated to Housing First. The purpose of the Housing First Network is to facilitate communication among those interested in developing, implementing,...
- Report
Homelessness Counts: Changes in Homelessness from 2009 to 2011
The State of Homelessness in America 2012 examines homelessness between 2009 and 2011, a period of economic downturn in the nation. The report shows that despite the bad economy, homelessness...
- Conference/Presentation
2011 Family Conference Presentations
1.1: Ending Family Homelessness: An Overview This workshop will provide an overview of the research, policies, andlocal program innovations that are transforming the nation’s response tofamily homelessness. It is an...