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Assessing Health, Promoting Wellness: Basic First Aid
While PATH providers often do not have medical training, they regularly encounter consumers who face health issues. This section of Assessing Health, Promoting Wellness provides simple tips on how to...
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Housing Series: Reasonable Accommodation Interview Questions
This document provides model interview questions to guide service providers and the people they serve to access “reasonable accommodation” in housing. The following questions will guide service providers and the...
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Moving Forward, Together: Create a Range of Opportunities for Consumer Integration, Step 1—The Strategic Plan
Just as individual recovery depends on opportunities to change and grow based on the lessons learned, the process of organizational change is also dynamic. Creating partnerships with consumers as colleagues...
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Improving Lives by Improving Practices: Leadership and Collaboration at the Center for Urban Community Services
In December 2010, New York’s Center for Urban Community Services (CUCS) received the 2010 PATH Exemplary Practice Award for Leadership and Collaboration at the Biennial PATH Grantee Meeting. The award...