- Report
An Estimate of Housing Discrimination Against Same-Sex Couples
This is the first large-scale, paired-testing study to assess housing discrimination against same-sex couples in metropolitan rental markets via advertisements on the Internet. The research is based on 6,833 e-mail...
- Report
Assessment Tools for Allocating Homelessness Assistance: State of the Evidence
On November 5, 2014, HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research, in partnership with the Alliance, convened a panel of experts to discuss assessment tools that communities are using to...
- Report
Study of PHAs’ Efforts to Serve People Experiencing Homelessness
This report examines data collected from about 4,000 Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) through an online survey and follow-up telephone interviews with 120 PHAs. Overall, 24 percent of PHAs have a...
- Report
Strategies for Preventing Homelessness
This exploratory study identifies communities that have implemented effective and well-targeted communitywide homelessness prevention strategies. The study illustrates these approaches in six communities with the hope that other communities can...
- Toolkit
AHAR Exchange Public Reports
A website where users can build reports that describe the composition of homelessness within the communities that participated in the 2009 AHAR. These reports on sheltered homeless persons are based...