by Bogdan Lihanceanu | Nov 15, 2023 | Interventions
The Preventing Discharge to No Fixed Address for Youth (NFA-Y) program run as a partnership between Youth Opportunities Unlimited (YOU) and the Lawson Health Research Institute was recently recognized as an honourable mention for the third annual Making the Shift...
by Bogdan Lihanceanu | Nov 10, 2023 | Uncategorized
The Bright Mindz youth housing initiative, developed by the Canadian Mental Health Association – Kelowna in Kelowna, BC was recently recognized as an honourable mention for the third annual Making the Shift Youth Homelessness Prevention Awards. This blog will...
by Bogdan Lihanceanu | Nov 9, 2023 | Uncategorized
Various interventions exist to reduce the prevalence of youth homelessness. These interventions can be broadly categorized as prevention, emergency services, transitional housing or permanent supportive housing efforts. The Family and Natural Supports (FNS)...
by Bogdan Lihanceanu | Nov 8, 2023 | Uncategorized
Previous research has demonstrated that Housing First can be effective in preventing homelessness among adults in Canada. With no preconditions, such as abstinence from substances, ‘Housing First’ is a recovery-oriented approach that moves people experiencing...
by Bogdan Lihanceanu | Nov 8, 2023 | Uncategorized
Programs that provide emergency financial assistance to households at-risk of eviction due to rental or mortgage arrears, or a sudden inability to pay rent, exist globally. ‘Rent Banks’ (as we call them in Canada) are an important homelessness prevention strategy when...