Last week we released a new paper, entitled What Work and For Whom? A Framework for Promising Practices. While there...
Holly Notsolightly recently asked on Facebook “how does anyone with $0 income pay even $25 for rent? or eat? or, indeed...
Tanya Gulliver-GarciaNovember 15, 2013
This infographic focuses on emergency shelter use. The statistics and information are from the Facing Homelessness...
Isaac CoplanNovember 13, 2013
Last week at the Homeless Hub: Our weekly infographic connected the dots of Habitat for Humanity International's...
This infographic is interesting to me because of the way that it lays out the mission and purpose of Habitat for...
Isaac CoplanNovember 06, 2013
Last week at the hub: Infographic Wednesday got a lot of attention on social media. It is focused on Alex Abramovich's...