Video/Audio File


Amy is only 22, and she is homeless. I met Amy in Kelowna, British Columbia, right outside a homeless feeding. If it wasn’t for the location, and seeing her eating at a table with other homeless people, I would have never known she was homeless, neither would you. 

When I asked Amy what homeless is like she said “it sucks” – it does! 

This is a hard interview to watch. Amy is a gorgeous, young girl, but you can hear the hopelessness in her voice. 

Amy does not feel she has much of a future. We can change that – WE MUST CHANGE THAT! There is a saying that today’s youth are tomorrow’s future. Trouble is, homeless youth, along with homeless seniors, may be the fastest growing demographics of poverty and homelessness in many communities. 

What are you going to do about the Amy’s in your neighborhood?