Homeless Count

Community Homelessness Report Summary 2019-2021

The table below provides a summary of the work the community has done so far to implement Reaching Home’s minimum requirements for Coordinated Access and an HMIS.

While our community has had a Coordinated Access system in place for a number of years, challenges remain. We continue to work with system partners to verify the integrity of our data as use and understanding of HIFIS varies depending on each individual provider and is affected by staff turnover. Efforts are underway to address these concerns and to ensure accurate data and data entry across our system and data coordination between providers. At the time of reporting, we currently do not have the appropriate data infrastructure in place to report on all of the measures asked for in this report, marked “N/A”, however we will continue to work within our community and with all relevant stakeholders to ensure that this data is available for future reporting.

During the pandemic, our community has put an increased focus on supporting individuals through street outreach, who might not otherwise access our system. As a system, we have also implemented new processes to support our coordinated access system. Strategies undertaken to improve coordinated entry have been successful, and we have created a matching table process to match individuals with vacancies in supportive housing. Case conferencing has become more widely used across our system, including in this matching process. Staff have been deployed to shelters in an effort to strengthen our rapid rehousing efforts and prevent individuals from aging into chronic homelessness. New working groups have been established to respond to changing system needs and pressures and are informed by data from our community. A data- and HIFIS-specifc working group has been re-established to ensure all providers are understanding and using HIFIS appropriately and as a forum for troubleshooting common concerns and training.