
Community Homelessness Report Summary – Halton Region 2022-23

The Community Homelessness Report (CHR) is an annual Reaching Home reporting deliverable that supports communities to prevent and reduce homelessness using a more coordinated, systems-based and data-driven response. The CHR was designed to support local discussions and decision making, using all of the information about homelessness currently available at the community level. Communities are encouraged to use their CHR data to develop clear plans of action that help them to reach their homelessness reduction targets and to leverage the collective efforts of service providers working across the community, regardless of how they are funded. This is a summary of the CHR for the 2022-23 reporting cycle. It shows the community’s self-assessment of Reaching Home implementation, which includes the following key components:

  • meaningful collaboration between Indigenous and non-Indigenous partners (see Section 1);
  • community-level governance, coordinated service delivery (Coordinated Access) and use of a Homelessness Management Information System or HMIS (see Section 2); and,
  • an outcomes-based approach (tracking community-level outcomes and progress against targets using a Unique dentifier or By-Name List, referred to as a List; see Section 3).

If the community was able to report on outcomes and targets, this CHR Summary also includes results for each of the five core outcomes of Reaching Home (see Section 4).