
Finding Room: Housing Solutions for the Future (Report of the National Liberal Caucus Task Force on Housing) Chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6

The Liberal Task Force on Housing was formed in response to requests from numerous citizens groups, interested associations and members of the National Liberal Caucus, that realistic solutions to the present crisis be presented directly to the Conservative government. Between August and October of 1989, the-Task Force visited seven provinces and held nine public hearings. The Task Force heard more than 60 witnesses and received more than 100 written submissions from housing advocates, industry representatives and concerned citizens.

Canada is presently confronted with a major housing crisis. In recent months, the Task Force has heard from every region of this country and everywhere the message is the same: the situation is critical; and immediate action is necessary to correct the problem. Every part of the country is faced with difficulties related to its particular circumstances. Problems of availability, affordability, homeless citizens and many others are causing much distress across the country. In a country such as ours, it is unacceptable that there are 1.3 million households living in inadequate housing or forced to pay an unreasonably high percentage of their income on housing. These are the official numbers: but the depths of despair resulting from the housing crisis in Canada affect many more families and individuals than are reflected in these numbers.