
The Foyer Toolkit

The Foyer is a well-established model of accommodation and support for young people who are, or are at risk of becoming, homeless. The toolkit we have developed is designed to assist communities in adapting this model. It is intended to give service providers and policy makers an essential understanding of the key components necessary for developing a successful Foyer. The toolkit was developed in recognition of the fact that in order to develop a successful Foyer, one must have clarity about their goals and the program model, as well as a strong grasp of the philosophical underpinnings that guide this work.

Much of this content is pulled directly from the main report, Live, Learn, Grow: Supporting Transitions to Adulthood for Homeless Youth, but has been distilled to the essentials for those wishing to develop a Foyer in their community. This material will be particularly useful, for instance if you are starting a Foyer, and need to brief funders, staff, etc., on the basics of Foyers for youth.

The Foyer Toolkit contains the following sections:

Toolkit #1: What is a foyer? Toolkit #2: The Foyer and Transitions to Adulthood Toolkit #3: The Philosophy and Principles of the Foyer


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Toolkit #4: Foyer Essentials Part 1: The Program Toolkit #5: Foyer Essentials Part 2: Accommodation Toolkit #6: Foyer Essentials Part 3: Organizational Framework


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Toolkit #7: Foyer Case Studies Toolkit #8: Resources from the Foyer Federation (UK) Main Report: Live, Learn, Grow: Supporting Transitions to Adulthood for Homeless Youth


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