Homeless Count

Greater Sudbury Point-in Time Homelessness Enumeration 2021


A Point-In Time (PIT) Count of homelessness is required by both the Federal and Provincial government under existing funding agreements.

For the Federal government, a PIT Count of homelessness has two primary purposes:

1. An enumeration, or count, of people experiencing absolute homelessness. It is intended to identify how many people in a community experience homelessness in shelters and on the streets at a given time. Conducted over subsequent years, PIT counts can be used by the community to track progress in reducing homelessness.

2. A survey of people experiencing homelessness. Through an accompanying survey, the PIT Count gives the community information on the demographics and service needs of people affected by homelessness. This information can be used to target community resources to where they are most needed.

Under the Provincial requirements the objectives of local homeless enumeration are:

  1. To provide a snapshot of homelessness, including information on the scope and nature of homelessness in communities across Ontario.

  2. To provide information about people experiencing homelessness and their needs to inform the development of programs and services and identify emerging needs.

  3. To provide information about whether programs and initiatives are having the desired impact on homelessness and to drive continuous improvement in service delivery and program design.